Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5: Public Pedagogy: Politicizing the Personal

My wife made this "collage" for Valentine's Day a few years ago.  It includes photos of us as a couple and individuals, including interesting architecture we encountered (e.g. an Art Deco hotel we stayed at in Milwaukee in the upper left) and ephemera from events we attended together.  A number of the photos are placed on boxes that when opened up reveal email messages we exchanged during our "courting" period.  I think this exhibits appropriation and layering, as mentioned by Gude, very effectively.  Ticket stubs, rail passes, horoscope clippings and photographs are re-purposed and layered on top og one another to create a sort of time capsule of our relationship to that point.  I find it interesting that we went through a rough period soon after this was made, but this was hanging in our hallway to see as we passed through numerous times each day as a reminder- a way to reminisce, but also stay grounded.  We eventually got married and will celebrate our second anniversary this summer, so I offer this up in contrast to some of the seemingly negative valentine messages from 

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